InfoisInfo Canada

Famous Foods
Food in Vancouver
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1595 Kingsway. Vancouver. British Columbia. V5N 2R8
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What you should know about Famous Foods

Dairy Products in Vancouver, Food Products in Vancouver

For over 80 years, Famous Foods has been serving generations of families with wholesome, organic, natural foods in Vancouver! Famous Foods has been humbly known as the original natural health food store in Vancouver for nearly 90 years.
First established in 1930, the store was located in the heart of Vancouver on Hastings Street. Since then, the store has moved from Hastings to Commercial Drive, and finally to Kingsway, which has been our home for the past 35 years.
Looking for local health food stores in Vancouver? Famous Foods has always been East Vancouver's go to grocery store for everyday essentials including Canadian raised meat, fresh local produce and dairy, as well as gluten-free and dairy-free products.

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