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These participants will include many decision-making managers from major international laboratories.June 15 ? 20, 2014Dresden, Germany63rd Annual Conference on Applications of X-ray Analysis, Denver X-Ray ConferenceProviding a unique mixture of sessions on training, education, and applications and papers containing details about state-of-the-art techniques and future developments in X-ray analysis.July 28 ?. MICROMATTERTM diamond-like carbon (DLC) foils are manufactured using a proprietary process that makes them useful in a variety of applications:Beam strippersX-ray and extreme UV filtersIn-line attenuatorsCome by and visit us at these upcoming conferences:New Diamond and Nano Carbons Conference (NDNC 2014)This conference will present high-impact scientific and technological advances, along with critical developments to enable the application of diamond, carbon nanotube, graphene and other carbon nanostructures and related materials in a diverse range of areas.May 25-29, 2014Chicago, Illinois5th International Particle Accelerator ConferenceIPAC'14 is expected to attract over 1500 scientists and engineers from accelerator laboratories around the world.
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